HOPE ABLAZE | SARAH MUGHAL RANA | St. Martin's Publishing Group





She lost her words but found her voice.

All My Rage meets The Poet X in this electric debut that combines powerful prose and verse to explore a Muslim teen finding her voice in a post-9/11 America.

“Fierce, brilliant, and unapologetic, a bright-burning star of a novel. An incredible, unmissable debut.”
—Vaishnavi Patel, bestselling author of Kaikeyi

“Beautiful and important. A must read for everyone.”
—Kristin Dwyer, critically acclaimed author of Some Mistakes Were Made

“Scintillating. A poignant, honest tale. Exquisite, life-changing. A must-read.”
—Thea Guanzon, author of The Hurricane Wars

“Fierce, poignant, and brimming with hope, a powerful tale. An unforgettable book.”
—June Hur, bestselling author of The Red Palace

“A powerful and inspiring tale. Evocative.”
—Zoulfa Katouh, author of As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow

“The kind of book you’ll want to return to. Gripping and stirring, inspires both tears and hope.”
—Andrea Stewart, bestselling author of the Drowning Empire trilogy

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